Nikki Roach is a designer based in Hamtramck, Detroit. This website is a living archive of identities, publications, studies, and spaces. Contact:


Podcast to PDF

The nature of reading is changing. Our minds and bodies have adjusted to superfast and responsive information environments. When we read traditionally made books and other linear bodies of text, a certain set of heuristics is involved that readers use to navigate the environment. Readers in our age have become visually-spatially oriented due to the major adaption to reading interfaces.

Hypertext is the technology that enables online information to connect, and for the user to read through a spatial environment. By creating a link to a word, set of words, or image; new options in navigation occur. This technology allows many ways for a reader to move through a text.

This publication explores the narrative and technical opportunities within the interactive-PDF format. Its content is a transcript from a podcast episode (link) about apocalyptic visions.

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